Blocking mirror servers

Disabling our website

Attackers are increasingly trying to disable our website using methods like DDoS attacks, in which our site is bombarded with requests, causing it to either slow down significantly or become inaccessible to legitimate users. Just a few days ago, Meduza recorded one attack in which traffic to our site surged to about 200 times its usual level. We expect to see similar or even larger attacks during Putin’s upcoming election.

Attempts to destroy crowdfunding channels

Meduza is only able to exist — and withstand the Russian authorities’ pressure — thanks to financial support from our readers. So it’s no surprise that the authorities are doing their best to bring down our crowdfunding infrastructure. Three to four times a minute, attackers try to enter stolen credit card information into our payment system, hoping to break it and force banks to stop working with us. Just like with DDoS attacks, we know how to deal with these tactics, but their frequency has skyrocketed in recent weeks.

Attempts to hack into our journalists’ accounts

Attacks across platforms

In 2024, we noticed an unusual surge in subscribers to our Telegram channel. These new followers are likely part of a plan to report the channel en masse for alleged violations of Telegram’s terms of service. Around the same time, the email newsletter platform Mailchimp began experiencing technical issues in Russia, which caused problems for Meduza’s Kit and Signal newsletters for five days. Additionally, bots have been flooding our app with negative reviews, complaining about our content online, creating clones of our employees’ accounts, and contacting their acquaintances.

What does it all mean?

Meduza, for better or for worse, has an enormous amount of experience working under difficult conditions. And while we don’t have direct evidence, we believe this campaign is an attempt to completely destroy Meduza (one of many, but an extremely aggressive one). This is a high-value hit job: the Russian authorities, along with Kremlin-affiliated organizations and hackers, are willing to spend an enormous amount of resources to destroy our infrastructure. But this is only part of the story. By all appearances, this attack is part of a series of events (local Internet outages, blockages of websites that haven’t been officially banned, attempts to interfere with messaging apps) that look like preparations by the authorities to impose sweeping Internet blockages — not just against websites but on the level of entire platforms and communication channels.

How can you help?

Thank you for standing by our side during these dark times.


